Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

I feel blessed. I feel wonderful. And I feel miraculously happy :)
Its my birthday n I'm surrounded with such wonderful people that I can't help but feel great. It's that time of the year when I count my blessing, have a little more hope that my prayers will be answered (God can't say no to me on my birthday na ;))
So here goes my list (of things that I'm thankful for)
1)  My wonderful parents. Thay made me the brilliant-independent kid that I am ;)

2) My sisters. You are friends who I can discuss shit, fart, unwanted relatives, my fat arms and any topic in the whole wide world  and also shop with! Seriously when girls don't have sisters who do they shop with???

3) My friends. You guys are why I look forward to Saturday Sundays n lightening my mood anytime and every time. Also I CANNOT IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT YOU.

4) Dreams. I'm thankful that I have plenty of dreams! There are so many things to fulfil till I'm 99! I cannot absolutely image a soul who lives without any dreams they want to fulfill/achieve.

5) GOD. Can you believe that he actually talks back to me?  Neither can I!

So happy birthday to me n thank you (who ever responsible for the above list).

 May I feel happiness always :)