Thursday, June 7, 2012

Where will the pigs go?

Every time I look out my office window I see a long stretch of barren land in front of me. Not beautiful at all. Rubble here and there, stones big and small lay on the uneven land.  If I look towards the right I can see some trees, the rest has no touch of greenery. Beyond the barren land is a small vasti, further beyond which is the main road. There is a lot of traffic on the busy road.
On the other side of the main road stand large commercial buildings.
To the right beyond the trees is another road which connects to the main road. While on the left is the backside of a big IT park.

This piece of land surprises me. Every time I look at it I wonder why it has no construction. The surrounding is a well developed posh place in Pune, with constructions all around and there is no reason for that land to remain barren. The view is not great but nonetheless I love staring at this empty land. It is not decorated and definitely not nature’s best shot.  It is like a woman without make up or a hairdo. It is real and that is what compels me.

There is one more reason why this land grabs my attention. Pigs. Lots of ugly pigs some big, some little run around and play.
Seeing these pigs I wonder why we were taught to color pigs in ‘pink’ when we were in school. These were brownish black. Nothing cute about them. (Pigs look really cute in the pictures from books).

But again its fun watching them, the way they run around , one behind the other , in one line, the big one leading  and the small one’s following, it makes for a entertaining view.

Pigs are a rare sight these days. You won’t find them in sophisticated clean places rather you will find them in dirty places where dry garbage is dumped. But everything around us is sophisticated. Clean houses, gardens, roads.

I keep wondering, since this land will very soon have some big building growing on it, where will these pigs go?
Unlike humans (who need houses) or birds (who needs nests) these pigs need nothing except a piece of empty land.
Where will they go when all these barren lands are constructed upon? How long will they move their houses for us?

There was a poem I read in school. ‘If Pigs Could Fly’. The first 2 lines were something like this:
‘ If pigs could fly I'd fly a pig.
To foreign countries small and big.’

When I see these pigs I really wish These pigs ‘Could’ fly. At least they would have the sky to themselves. They could play around like the birds and run around without being hit by a bus. They would have their own little world where we humans dont intervene.

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